Next Steps
Get Connected at The Spring
LaToya Bell and her team will walk you through our 8G discipleship process by getting you plugged into our church through service, small groups, and worship.
Our next steps include:
- Starting Point for New Believers in Christ
- L.I.F.E Classes for Ministry Partners to our church
- Seeking, Serving, and Spiritual Growth opportunities
LaToya Bell
Prayer and Family Director
Grow Together
Small Groups
Sed emolumenta communia esse dicuntur, recte autem facta et peccata non habentur.
(Men only age 18 & up)
Bro. Kelvin Bowers… Tuesday @ 6:30p-7:30p
(Ladies only age 18 & up)
Sis. Jeri Seay and Sis. Phyllis Henson…. Tuesday @ 7:30p-8:30p
Kindergarten/Primary to age 8yrs)
Sis. Charissa Gordon… Sunday @ 9:00a-10:00a
(Intermediate age 9-17)
Sis. Susan Edmiston… Sunday @ 6:00p-7:00p
(Young Adult age 18-45)
Sis. Hilda Harper…. Monday @ 7:00p-8:00p
(Men and Women age 46 and up)
Baptism Class is 1st Saturday of each month or by appointment
Volunteer in Ministry
Audio/Video technicians make sure the music and preaching is heard and seen with excellence and clarity!
Elementary small group leaders sit with kids during large-group teaching time and come prepared to lead a small group utilizing a lesson plan provided.
For musicians and vocalists that are willing to give of their talents. If you sing and/or play any instrument including drums, bass, piano, acoustic/electric guitar or other, apply for the music team! Involvement includes participation in any/all venues where music is supported. Application, audition, and background check required.
We take 1-2 short term trips a year to Haiti. We usually have 10 spots open for anyone that wants to see what God is doing in other parts of the world.
Each month we serve the community through public service, elementary tutoring and even meal delivery. If you are interested in serving our neighbors, sign up!
Come help us welcome visitors on Sunday morning!
We share the gospel in our city every third Saturday of the month. Join us!